Contacting us is easy. Go to the department you would like to e-mail by selecting below.
Frequently Asked Questions
For password recovery or to cancel your subscription, please look up for it at
CCBill.com (https://support.ccbill.com), our designated E-ticket Supplier and Access Management Provider.
You may have a slow internet connection. Recommended speed is >3 Megabit/sec.
Try restarting your internet modem and computer. If your speed is too low you can choose to watch Low Bandwidth streaming option on the page or try using the Free Members Window Media Player downloads to save the videos.
Did you purcahse a membership at KristenBjorn.com? Purchases made on the VIDEO ON DEMAND area are not website memberships.
Make sure that your username and password match the information you originally signed up with (all passwords are case sensitive).
It's also recommended that you clear your cookies and cache when having any login issues.
Try to log into the site using a different web browser. We recommend either Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox to test it. If this des not work, contact us at
help@kristenbjorn.com. Do not try to log into your membership more than 3 times, otherwise your account will be temporaily blocked by our security system.
Please contact us at
help@kristenbjorn.com and forward the confirmation email that you received at the time of purchase. We will need the subscription number to locate your data. We will reset your login and email you with a fully functional login.
No. If you are a member of
KBjorn.com, you are able to sign up for a membership at
SaravaProductions.com, and vice versa with a 50% discount. Our website
KBcasting.com has no content that is not available on
KBjorn.com. It just has less content, and it is more economically priced.
Need more information?
Password Recovery / Cancel a Subscription
For password recovery or to cancel your subscription, please look up for it at CCBill.com (https://support.ccbill.com), our designated E-ticket Supplier and Access Management Provider.
Online Store Purchases
Contact us if you would like to know order your order status or have problems with a purchase or a defective items. Defective items can be returned for the same merchandise only. In your e-mail, please include your name and order number. If you do not have your order number, please include any other information we can use to identify your order.
Membership Signup Errors
Contact us if you have problems with signup or registration. In your e-mail, please include your User name and Password.
Model Submissions
If you are interested in modeling for Kristen Bjorn, please send a photo (or several) along with a breif description of yourself (age OVER 18 ONLY, weight, height, location etc...). Please make sure you include contact information.
Missing or outdated links
Please notify us of any out dated or missing links that you encounter. Before submitting this e-mail, please try to reload the page you are having problems with. We may be updating that page at the moment.
For customer support of memberships purchased with Epoch, go to https://epoch.com/billingsupport.